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Multiple Sclerosis

Every hour someone is diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS), a chronic disease of the central nervous system affecting the brain and spinal cord.


Jennifer Margerum-Bennett 1964-1995


In 1989 Jenni was diagnosed with MS. Most people live with the disease and some are overwhelmed by it. Jenni was a small percentage that get it really bad and was in a nursing home with acute chronic progressive MS. Jenni died May 24, 1995 at age 30. She is survived by a daughter Holly Bennett now age 15.


You never think something like this would ever affect only happens to "other" people.


Sometimes you don't know what you can do to help the cause, so beside just contributing every now and then, I have found some way I can put effort into my contribution. In 2002, someone got me interested in cycling which was something I had wanted to do since I was a teenager and saw the Tour De France on TV and I had a really nice 10-speed, but I had no information or drive to start it then. So spring 2002, I signed up for TOSRV, which is a 200mile bike tour from Columbus, Ohio to Portsmouth, Ohio. I trained a couple months in advance on a "department store" mountain bike, then got a somewhat more expensive road bike(1week before the trip). It was such a great experience for me, I started searching for other tours I could get involved with. In my search I ran across the MS150, this would not only allow me to do my new found hobby/sport but also help people who have been affected by MS. In 2002 I signed up approximately 4 weeks before the event. I knew I could reach the minimum amount of $200 to donate (even if I had to make if up myself), but to my astonishment I collected about $980. Early in 2003, I started researching the 2003 MS150 and started emailing the coordinator. She responded to one of my emails asking me for a shirt size for the "Leaders" dinner, I was a bit confused. I asked what for, thinking she was somewhat asking me to volunteer for some other duty, she responded with I was invited to the "Leaders" dinner. So I figured she was just being nice because I was asking about the event early and such. I showed up to the dinner on March 7, 2003 and found my name on a top 20 list of the Dayton Chapter of MS. I thought the money I collected was low, but it turns out that I was 19th out of 273, top fundraiser at $6,712, $101,000 total donations for event. The Cincinnati Chapter had 650 participants, $400,000 total donated, and top fundraiser at $11,691 for the event. This year they have combined the chapters for the ride (Dayton and Cincinnati). This year I have set my goal pretty high, $6999 (had to be different) and with your help I will achieve my goal.

On July 12-13 2003, I will be participating in Ohio Valley Chapter Kroger Brand MS 150 Bike Tour (but I will be doing the 200 mile option, which is 100 miles each day).  The tour starts at the Lebanon YMCA through the country side to Oxford, Ohio, they are nicknaming this tour "Tour De Farms". I am glad the tour is close to home this year, riding some familiar territory. If you're out and about that weekend, you will probably see some spandex traveling the roads, so please give everyone plenty of space.

To make it even more interesting:

On the following weekend July 19-20 2003, I will be participating in Ohio Buckeye Chapter "Bikin' to the Beast" MS 150 Bike Tour. Which is another MS 150 bike tour from London, Ohio to Kings Mills Ohio (hence the Beast...Kings Island).


Isn't it worth 50 bucks to see me sit on a skinny little seat  for 5 to 7 hours (depending on the hills) 2 days in a row???  Even more 2 weekends in a row. (Whatever you can afford would be appreciated.)

Please join me in supporting the National MS Society's mission to end the devastating effects of MS. You can support me by clicking the link below and making a secure online epledge.

Thank you - together we can make a difference!

To sponsor me:
Click here

For more information about this event:
Click here

For more information about the National MS Society:
Click here

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