SQL Date Stuff
this part is from http://databasejournal.com/features/mssql/article.php/3076421
I copied it here just in case the page gets moved
September 15, 2003 Examples of how to Calculate Different SQL Server
Dates By Gregory A. Larsen
Every now and then, you need to take the current date and
calculate some other date. For instance, you might have an application that
needs to determine what date is the first day of the month, or need to know the
last day of the month. Now most of you probably already know how to separate the
date into its piece (year, month, day, etc.) and use those pieces along with a
number of functions to calculate a date that you might need. In this article, I
will be showing how to use just the DATEADD and DATEDIFF function to calculate a
number of different dates you might need to use in your applications.
In order to understand these examples, let's first review the
DATEDIFF and DATEADD functions. The DATEDIFF function calculates the amount of
time between two dates, where the time part is based on an interval of time,
such as hours, days, weeks, months, years, etc. The DATEADD function calculates
a date by taking an interval of time, and adding it to a date, where the
interval of time will be the same as those used by the DATEDIFF function. To
find out more about the DATEDIFF and DATEADD functions, and the different
intervals of time read Microsoft Books Online.
Using the DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions to calculated dates
requires you to think a little differently about what it takes to convert the
current date into a date you need. You must think in terms of date intervals.
Such as, how many date intervals it is from the current date to the date you
want to calculate. Or how many date intervals is it from today to some other
date like '1900-01-01', and so on. Understanding how to look at date intervals
will help you more easily understand my different date examples.
First Day of Month
For the first example, let me show you how to get the first day
of the month from the current date. Remember now, this example and all the other
examples in this article will only be using the DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions
to calculate our desired date. Each example will do this by calculating date
intervals from the current date, and then adding or subtracting intervals to
arrive at the desired calculated date. Here is the code to calculate the first
day of the month: select DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate()), 0)
Let me review how this works, by breaking this statement apart.
The inner most function call "getdate()", as most of you probably already know,
returns the current date and time. Now the next executed function call
"DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate())" calculates the number of months between the current
date and the date "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000". Remember date and time variables
are stored as the number of milliseconds since "1900-01-01 00:00:00.000"; this
is why you can specify the first datetime expression of the DATEDIFF function as
"0." Now the last function call, DATEADD, adds the number of months between the
current date and '1900-01-01". By adding the number of months between our
pre-determined date '1900-01-01' and the current date, I am able to arrive at
the first day of the current month. In addition, the time portion of the
calculated date will be "00:00:00.000."
The technique shown here for calculating a date interval between
the current date and the year "1900-01-01," and then adding the calculated
number of interval to "1900-01-01," to calculate a specific date, can be used to
calculate many different dates. The next four examples use this same technique
to generate different dates based on the current date.
Monday of the Current Week
Here I use the week interval (wk) to calculate what date is Monday of the
current week. This example assumes Sunday is the first day of the week. select DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,getdate()), 0)
If you don't want Sunday to be the first day of the week, then you will need
to use a different method. Here is a method that David O Malley showed me that
uses the DATEFIRST setting to set the first day of the week. This example sets
Monday as the first day of the week, but by changing the DATEFIRST setting any
day of the week could be the first day of the week. set DATEFIRST 1
select DATEADD(dd, 1 - DATEPART(dw, getdate()), getdate())
First Day of the Year
Now I use the year interval (yy) to display the first day of the year. select DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate()), 0)
First Day of the Quarter
If you need to calculate the first day of the current quarter then here is an
example of how to do that. select DATEADD(qq, DATEDIFF(qq,0,getdate()), 0)
Midnight for the Current Day
Ever need to truncate the time portion for the datetime value returned from
the getdate() function, so it reflects the current date at midnight? If so then
here is an example that uses the DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions to get the
midnight timestamp. select DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd,0,getdate()), 0) yesterday SELECT DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, GETDATE()), - 1)
Expanding on the DATEADD and DATEDIFF Calculation
As you can see, by using this simple DATEADD and DATEDIFF
calculation you can come up with many different dates that might be valuable.
All of the examples so far only calculated the current number of
date intervals between the current date and "1900-01-01," and then added the
number of intervals to "1900-01-01" to arrive at the calculated date. Say you
modify the number of intervals to be added, or added additional DATEADD
functions that used different time intervals, or subtracted intervals instead of
adding intervals; by making these minor changes you can come up with many
different dates.
Here are four examples that add an additional DATEADD function
to calculate the last day dates for both the current and prior intervals.
Last Day of Prior Month
Here is an example that calculates the last day of the prior
month. It does this by subtracting 3 milliseconds from the first day of the
month example. Now remember the time portion in SQL Server is only accurate to 3
milliseconds. This is why I needed to subtract 3 milliseconds to arrive at my
desired date and time. select dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(mm,0,getdate() ), 0))
The time portion of the calculated date contains a time that
reflects the last millisecond of the day ("23:59:59.997") that SQL Server can
Last Day of Prior Year
Like the prior example to get the last date of the prior year
you need to subtract 3 milliseconds from the first day of year. select dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate() ), 0))
Last Day of Current Month
Now to get the last day of the current month I need to modify
slightly the query that returns the last day of the prior month. The
modification needs to add one to the number of intervals return by DATEDIFF when
comparing the current date with "1900-01-01." By adding 1 month, I am
calculating the first day of next month and then subtraction 3 milliseconds,
which allows me to arrive at the last day of the current month. Here is the TSQL
to calculate the last day of the current month. select dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate() )+1, 0))
Last Day of Current Year
You should be getting the hang of this by now. Here is the code
to calculate the last day of the current year. select dateadd(ms,-3,DATEADD(yy, DATEDIFF(yy,0,getdate() )+1, 0))
First Monday of the Month
Ok, I am down to my last example. Here I am going to calculate
the first Monday of the current month. Here is the code for that
calculation. select DATEADD(wk, DATEDIFF(wk,0,
), 0)
In this example, I took the code for "Monday of the Current
Week," and modified it slightly. The modification was to change the "getdate()"
portion of the code to calculate the 6th day of the current month.
Using the 6th day of the month instead of the current date in the
formula allows this calculation to return the first Monday of the current
I hope that these examples have given you some ideas on how to
use the DATEADD and DATEDIFF functions to calculate dates. When using this date
interval math method of calculating dates I have found it valuable to have a
calendar available to visualize the intervals between two different dates.
Remember this is only one way to accomplish these date calculations. Keep in
mind there are most likely a number of other methods to perform the same
calculations. If you know of another way, great, although if you do not, I hope
these examples have given you some ideas of how to use DATEADD and DATEDIFF to
calculate dates your applications might need.
» See
All Articles by Columnist Gregory A. Larsen
May 7, 2003 Working with SQL Server Date/Time Variables: Part Two - Displaying Dates
and Times in Different Formats By Gregory A. Larsen
In my first article in this series, I discussed different aspects of entering
date/time data into SQL Server DATETIME and SMALLDATE columns. This article will
expand my discussion of date/time data by exploring how to use different SQL
Server functions to display dates and times in different formats.
Depending on your environment, your needs, and/or the audience of your
application, the format for displaying date and time might vary. Internationally
we have many difference ways to represent a given date and/or time. Here are a
few examples of different ways we might display the date January 22, 2003 with
or without a time of 10:31 PM.
- 2003/01/22 10:31PM
- 2003/01/22 22:31
- 22-01-2003
- 22 January 2003
- Jan 22 2003 10:13PM
- January 22, 2003
Let's review the SQL Server functions that can be used to display these date
formats, starting with the CONVERT function. The CONVERT function is provided to
help with converting a DATETIME or SMALLDATETIME variables, or any other string
that holds a valid date, into different date/time display formats. The CONVERT
function is called using the following syntax: CONVERT ( data_type [ ( length) ] , expression [ , style ] )
Where data_type [(length)] is the target data type format and
length, expression is any valid Microsoft expression that represents
the date/time you want to display, and style specifies the output
format for the data/time.
Using the CONVERT function, with different styles, allows you to display date
and time data in many different formats. Let's look at what I am taking about.
The easiest way to demonstrate how to use the CONVERT function is to review some
TSQL code that displays the current time in a few different display formats. The
following script uses only the CONVERT function to display the different
Here is the output from the above script: 1) HERE IS MON DD YYYY HH:MIAM (OR PM) FORMAT ==>Feb 5 2003 5:54AM
2) HERE IS MM-DD-YY FORMAT ==>02-05-03
3) HERE IS MM-DD-YYYY FORMAT ==>02-05-2003
4) HERE IS DD MON YYYY FORMAT ==>05 Feb 2003
5) HERE IS DD MON YY FORMAT ==>05 Feb 03
6) HERE IS DD MON YYYY HH:MM:SS:MMM(24H) FORMAT ==>05 Feb 2003 05:54:39:567
As you can see, this script displays the current date in many different
formats. Some formats have two digit years, while others have four digit years.
Some displays have 24 hour or AM/PM time formats. Still others have the month
displayed as a numeric value, while others have a month abbreviation. Some of
the displays also have the date displayed in DD MON YYYY format. I suggest you
review Books Online for a description of all the formats that the CONVERT
function can display using different styles.
Even though the CONVERT function has a number of data/time output styles, it
still might not have the exact display format you need to display. Sometimes you
will need to use other TSQL functions as well, to get the display format you
Another important date/time function worth describing is DATEPART. This
function will take a date/time expression and return a single part of the date,
such as hour, minute, month, day, etc. A call to this function has the following
form: DATEPART(datepart, date)>
Where the datepart is one of the following: Year, yy, yyyy, quarter,
qq, q, month, mm, m, dayofyear, dy, y, day, dd, d, week, wk, ww, weekday,
dw,hour, hh, minute, mi, n, second, ss, s, millisecond, or ms. And date
is a valid date expression. This function will return an integer representing
the particular date part requested.
Let's review how the CONVERT and/or DATEPART functions can be used to display
January 22, 2003 with a time of 10:31 PM to meet all of the display formats I
showed at the top of this article.
Some of the formats can be created using the different "style" options on the
CONVERT statement. Although a number of these formats above will not only
require the CONVERT and/or DATEPART functions, but other TSQL functions like
SUBSTRING, RIGHT, and CAST to build the desired display format. If you are
unfamiliar with these additional functions, read Books Online for more
information. To show you how to create each of these display formats I will
build a simple script for each of the different formats.
May 7, 2003 Working with SQL Server Date/Time Variables: Part Two - Displaying Dates
and Times in Different Formats By Gregory A. Larsen
The first example displays the date in 2003/01/22 10:13PM format. This can be
done with the following simple script that uses the CONVERT and SUBSTRING
functions. Note this example uses the 111 style format of the CONVERT
SET @DT = '2003-01-22 10:31 PM'
Normally there is always more than one way to get the same results. Here is
another way to get the same date displayed by using the DATEPART, CAST and RIGHT
SET @DT = '2003-01-22 10:31 PM'
+ RIGHT(CAST(100+DATEPART(MM,@DT) AS CHAR(3)),2) + '/'
+ RIGHT(CAST(100+DATEPART(DD,@DT) AS CHAR(3)),2) + ' '
END + ':'
The next example will display the date in 2003/01/22 22:31 format. This
example uses the REPLACE function to convert the dashes, of CONVERT style 120,
SET @DT = '2003-01-22 10:31 PM'
The following example will display the date in 22-01-2003 format, without the
time portion. To display only the date portion and truncate the time part, I
specified an output data type and length. In the example below a CHAR(10) was
used for data type and length. This will cause the CONVERT function to display
only the first 10 characters of style 105. DECLARE @DT DATETIME
SET @DT = '2003-01-22 10:31 PM'
The next example displays the date using 22 January 2003 format. To produce
this date output, I will introduce a new function, DATENAME. The DATENAME
function returns a character string representing the requested part of the date.
The DATENAME function uses the following syntax: DATENAME( datepart , date )
Where the datepart is one of the following: Year, yy, yyyy, quarter,
qq, q, month, mm, m, dayofyear, dy, y, day, dd, d, week, wk, ww, weekday,
dw,hour, hh, minute, mi, n, second, ss, s, millisecond, or ms, and date
is a valid date expression. This function will return a character string
representing the particular date part requested. Be aware that the "weekday"
parm returns the day name, like Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, etc, and the "month"
parm returns the month name, like January, February, March, etc. This example
uses DATENAME to return the DAY, MONTH and YEAR of the variable @DT. The month
portion of the date will be returned with the spelled out version of the month,
or in this case "January." DECLARE @DT DATETIME
SET @DT = '2003-01-22 10:31 PM'
The CONVERT function alone allows me to output a date with Jan 22 2003
10:13PM format. By using a style of 100, the CONVERT function displays the date
format needed. DECLARE @DT DATETIME
SET @DT = '2003-01-22 10:31 PM'
To display a date in January 22, 2003 format I will again use the DATENAME
function, I just change the output formatting, by rearranging the calls for each
SET @DT = '2003-01-22 10:31 PM'
Three more SQL Server functions that might help you with formatting date
output are worth mentioning. These functions are DAY, MONTH, and YEAR. Each of
these functions accepts a date expression, and returns an integer value
representing the day, month or year depending on which function is being called.
Here is an example of how these functions are used to return a date in
01/22/2003 format. DECLARE @DT DATETIME
SET @DT = '2003-01-22 10:31 PM'
CHAR(2)) + '/' + CAST(YEAR(@DT) AS CHAR(4))
There are many different way to display a given date and time value. Because
of this, SQL Server provides the CONVERT function to format date/time values
into a number of preset output formats. Also by using the CONVERT function along
with one or more additional SQL Server functions, such as DATEPART you should be
able to display the date any way you need.
My next article in this date/time series will discuss searching SQL Server
tables to find records based on a date and time value.
» See All Articles by Columnist Gregory A. Larsen
Without century (yy) |
With century (yyyy) |
Standard |
Input/Output** |
- |
0 or 100 (*) |
Default |
mon dd yyyy hh:miAM (or PM) |
1 |
101 |
mm/dd/yy |
2 |
102 |
yy.mm.dd |
3 |
103 |
British/French |
dd/mm/yy |
4 |
104 |
German |
dd.mm.yy |
5 |
105 |
Italian |
dd-mm-yy |
6 |
106 |
- |
dd mon yy |
7 |
107 |
- |
Mon dd, yy |
8 |
108 |
- |
hh:mm:ss |
- |
9 or 109 (*) |
Default + milliseconds |
mon dd yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM (or PM) |
10 |
110 |
mm-dd-yy |
11 |
111 |
yy/mm/dd |
12 |
112 |
yymmdd |
- |
13 or 113 (*) |
Europe default + milliseconds |
dd mon yyyy hh:mm:ss:mmm(24h) |
14 |
114 |
- |
hh:mi:ss:mmm(24h) |
- |
20 or 120 (*) |
ODBC canonical |
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss(24h) |
- |
21 or 121 (*) |
ODBC canonical (with milliseconds) |
yyyy-mm-dd hh:mi:ss.mmm(24h) |
- |
126(***) |
ISO8601 |
yyyy-mm-dd Thh:mm:ss.mmm(no spaces) |
- |
130* |
Hijri**** |
dd mon yyyy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM |
- |
131* |
Hijri**** |
dd/mm/yy hh:mi:ss:mmmAM |
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