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RPG SQL stuff

  • Multiple files
         D T10           E DS                  extname(YOURFILE1)               
         D T20           E DS                  extname(YOURFILE2)                     
         C+ select *  from YOURFILE1 T10, YOURFILE2 T20     
         C+ order by T10.AField, T20.AField
         C+ fetch C1 into :T10,:T20
  • Fetch error - SQLCODE 183- (date/timestamp error)

    2 choices to fix problem

    • compile with prompt and change keyword DATFMT *ISO
      • NOTE - an H spec of DATFMT(*ISO) does not cover the SQL code just RPG
    • add the following statement before any SQL gets executed
         C/exec sql      
         C+ set option   
         C+ DATFMT = *ISO

    Example program

    nothing fancy, just something to get you started then you can start changing and adding stuff for it to do.

    The parms and PSDS are throw ins to show you how to use external parameters in the SQL statement...I am a big "don't force me to send all parameters" kind of guy.

         H BndDir('QC2LE') DFTACTGRP(*no) debug(*yes) ALWNULL(*USRCTL)
         FQSysprt198O    F  198        Printer oflind(*INOA)                                            
         ‚* Program data structure                                                                      
         D                SDS                                                                           
         D  QPROG            *PROC                                                                      
         D  QPARMS           *PARMS                                                                     
         D  QPGMNM                 1     10                                                             
         D  QJOBN                244    253                                                             
         D  QUSER                254    263                                                             
         D T10           E DS                  extname(YOURFILE)  
         ‚* Mainline                                                                                    
         C     *entry        plist                                                                      
         C                   parm                    InParm            5 0                              
         C                   if        QParms > 0                        
         C                   move      InParm        CkParm            5 0                              
         C                   else                                                                       
         C                   clear                   CkParm                                            
         C                   endif                                                                      
          * do the select on the work file get proper sort                                              
         C/exec sql                                                                                     
         C+ declare C1 dynamic scroll cursor  for          
         C+ select *  from YOURFILE T10                    
         C+ where    :QParms   >  0         and         
         C+            AField  =  :CkParm   or                                                     
         C+          :QParms   =  0         and                                                         
         C+            AField  =  2                                                                     
         C+ order by AField, AField1, AField2                                                        
         ‚* open the cursor                                                                             
         C/exec sql                                                                                     
         C+ open  C1                                                                                    
         ‚* do until end-o-rows, like eof (end-o-file)
         C                   dou       SQLCOD <> 0 and SQLCOD <> -181
         ‚* fetch each record from the view in the data structure                                       
         C                   clear                   T10                                                
         C/exec sql                                                                                     
         C+ fetch C1 into :T10                                                                          
         ‚* monitor for certain SQL codes                                                               
         ‚*  181 = Value in date, time, or timestamp string not valid                                   
         ‚*  183 = Result of date or timestamp expression not valid                                     
         ‚*  use
         C                   if        SQLCOD <> 0 and                
         C                             SQLCOD <> -181 and             
         C                             SQLCOD <> 183                  
         C                   if        SQLCOD <> -181                 
         C***  SQLCOD        dsply                                                                      
         C***                dump                                                                       
         C***                leave                                                                      
         C                   endif                                                                      
         C                   endif                                                                      
          * do stuff in here with your data
         C                   eval      Count = Count + 1                                                
         C                   except    DetLin2                                                          
         C                   enddo                                                                      
         C/exec sql                                                                                     
         C+ close C1                                                                                    
         C                   seton                                        LR                            
         CLR                 except    Footer                                                           
         ‚* *INZSR  - Initialize subroutine to do initialization stuff...duh                            
         C     *INZSR        begsr                                                                      
         C                   call      'SYSGET'                                                         
         C                   parm                    PARM1                                              
         C                   eval      CURDATE = %date                                                  
         C                   eval      CURTIME = %time                                                  
         C                   eval      HoldNum = 99999                                                  
         C     CurDate       subdur    18:*months    Date18mths                                         
         C                   endsr                                                                      
         OQSYSPRT198H    OA                        3                                                    
         O                       QPROG               10                                                 
         O                                          160 'Date:'                                         
         O                       CURDATE           +001                                                 
         O                                          180 'Page:'                                         
         O                       PAGE              +001                                                 
         OQSYSPRT198H    OA                  1                                                          
         O                       QUSER               10                                                 
         O                                          110 'Report Name'                        
         O                                          160 'Time:'                                         
         O                       CURTIME           +001                                                 
         OQSYSPRT198EF           DetLin2     1                                                          
         O                                              '  '                                            
         O                       AField                                                               
         O                                              '|'                                             
         O                       AField2
         O                                              '|'                                             
         OQSYSPRT198EF           Footer      1                                                          
         O                                           76 '*** End Of Report *** '                        
         O                                              ' Record Count-'                                
         O                       Count             +001                                                 



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