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RPG Dates · RPG snippets
RPG snippets...for those of us who cant remember stuff

Program status data structure (PSDS)

      * Program data structure                                                                      
     D                SDS                                                                           
     D qPROC_NAME        *PROC                                                  * Procedure name    
     D qPGM_STATUS       *STATUS                                                * Status code       
     D qPRV_STATUS            16     20S 0                                      * Previous status   
     D qLINE_NUM              21     28                                         * Src list line num 
     D qROUTINE          *ROUTINE                                               * Routine name      
     D qPARMS            *PARMS                                                 * Num passed parms  
     D qEXCP_TYPE             40     42                                         * Exception type    
     D qEXCP_NUM              43     46                                         * Exception number  
     D qPGM_LIB               81     90                                         * Program library   
     D qEXCP_DATA             91    170                                         * Exception data    
     D qEXCP_ID              171    174                                         * Exception Id      
     D qDATEFMT              191    198                                         * Date (*DATE fmt)  
     D qYEARFMT              199    200S 0                                      * Year (*YEAR fmt)  
     D qLAST_FILE            201    208                                         * Last file used    
     D qFILE_INFO            209    243                                         * File error info   
     D qJOB_NAME             244    253                                         * Job name          
     D qUSER                 254    263                                         * User name         
     D qJOB_NUM              264    269S 0                                      * Job number        
     D qJOB_DATE             270    275S 0                                      * Date (UDATE fmt) 
     D qRUN_DATE             276    281S 0                                      * Run date (UDATE) 
     D qRUN_TIME             282    287S 0                                      * Run time (UDATE) 
     D qCRT_DATE             288    293                                         * Create date      
     D qCRT_TIME             294    299                                         * Create time      
     D qCPL_LEVEL            300    303                                         * Compiler level   
     D qSRC_FILE             304    313                                         * Source file      
     D qSRC_LIB              314    323                                         * Source file lib  
     D qSRC_MBR              324    333                                         * Source file mbr  
     D qPROC_PGM             334    343                                         * Pgm Proc is in   
     D qPROC_MOD             344    353                                         * Mod Proc is in   




SNDPGMMSG - Send Program Message API(the line at bottom of screen)
** D-Spec stuff
     ** The fields used by the SndPgmMsg API                     
     D szMsgID         S              7A   Inz('CPF9898')        
     D szMsgFile       S             20A   Inz('QCPFMSG   QSYS' )
     D szMsgText       S            255A                         
     D nMsgLen         S             10I 0                       
     D szMsgType       S             10A                         
     D szToPgmQ        S             10A                         
     D nToPgmQ         S             10I 0                       
     D szMsgKey        S              4A                         

     ** C-Spec stuff
     C                   eval      szMsgText = 'Error - you got bad error,'+ 
     C                                         ' call someone who cares'   
     C                   Eval      nMsgLen = %Len(%trimr(szMsgText))            
      **  SndPgmMsg MSGID(CPF9898) MSGF(QSYS/QCPFMSG) TOPGMQ(*PRV) +            
      **               MSGDTA(szMsgText)  MSGTYPE(*ESCAPE)                      
     C                   Call      'QMHSNDPM'                                   
     C                   Parm      'CPF9898'     szMsgID                        
     C                   Parm                    szMsgFile                      
     C                   Parm                    szMsgText                      
     C                   Parm                    nMsgLen                        
     C                   Parm      '*ESCAPE'     szMsgType                      
     C                   Parm      '*PGMBDY'     szToPgmQ                       
     C                   Parm      1             nToPgmQ                        
     C                   Parm                    szMsgKey                       
     C                   Parm                    api_error        21            

Strip Number Procedure

Strip numbers out of a string that has other characters in it 
      * StripNum       - SubProcedure strip an number out of a string        
     PStripNum         B                                                     
     D StripNum        PI            30S 0                                   
     D InString                      30    value                             
     D X               S              2  0                                   
     D End             S              2  0                                   
     D Pos             S              2  0                                   
     D Var             S              1                                      
     D CharNum         S             30                                      
     D Number          S             30  0                                   
     D digits          C                   '1234567890'                      
     c                   clear                   Number                      
     c                   eval      Pos = 30                                  
     c     ' '           checkr    InString      End                         
     c                   for       X = End downto 1                         
     c                   eval      var = %subst(Instring:X)                 
     c     Var           scan(e)   Digits                                 11
     c                   if        %found                                   
     c                   eval      CharNum = %replace(Var:Charnum:Pos)      
     c                   eval      Pos = Pos -1                             
     c                   endif                                              
     c                   endfor                                             
     c                   move      CharNum       Number                     
     c                   return    Number                                   
     PStripNum         E                                                    

I got a "null" problem

Crash, bam, program blew up and I don't know why. I can DBU the file and it looks alright, but the field is hi-lited. Here is a little scrub to "set off" the null indicator.

     h alwnull(*usrctl)                                      
     ffile      UP   E             DISK                      
     c                   if        %NullInd(FIELD) = *on  
     c                   eval      %NullInd(FIELD) = *off  
     c                   move      *loval        FIELD     
     c                   update    rFILE                    
     c                   endif

Mod10 Procedure aka Luhn Algorithm


This procedure is a combination of a couple snippets I found and created a procedure. It is only 98% tested...never really got to use it b/c of some bad documentation of a bank routing number that said it was supposed to be a mod10'ed number (which it's not).

      * Prototypes                        
     D mod10           PR             1  0
     D  Alpha24                      24   

      * call                        
     C                   eval      testdigit = mod10(Text24)

      * mod10 - SubProcedure to give you back the check digit                    
      *         it DOES NOT validate the last digit is a correct check digit     
      *         you send a left justified zero paded number in a character field 
      *         this will send back the check digit                              
      *    NOTE-you make sure you left justify and zero fill(if you want it)     
     Pmod10            B                                                         
     D mod10           PI             1  0                                       
     D Alpha24                       24a                                         
     D RA              S              1    DIM(24)                               
     D RB              S              1    DIM(48)                               
     C                   CLEAR                   X                 3 0           
     C                   CLEAR                   Y                 3 0           
     C                   CLEAR                   WK001A            1             
     C                   CLEAR                   WK002A            2    
     C                   CLEAR                   WK017A           17    
     C                   CLEAR                   WK001N            1 0  
     C                   CLEAR                   WK020N            2 0  
     C                   CLEAR                   WK090N            9 0  
     C                   CLEAR                   MULTIPLIER        3 0  
     C                   CLEAR                   ACCUM             9 0  
     C                   CLEAR                   LSTCHR            1    
      *    Determine length.                                            
     C     ' '           CHECKR    Alpha24       NumLength         2 0  
     C                   movea     Alpha24       RA                     
     C                   MOVE      NumLength     X                      
     C                   MOVE      1             MULTIPLIER             
     C                   MOVE      1             Y                      
      *    Luhn algorithm.                                              
     C     X             DOWGE     1                                    
     C                   MOVEA     RA(X)         WK001A                 
     C                   MOVE      WK001A        WK001N                     
     C     WK001N        MULT      MULTIPLIER    WK090N                     
     C                   MOVE      WK090N        WK002A                     
     C                   MOVEA     WK002A        RB(Y)                      
     C                   ADD       2             Y                          
     C     3             SUB       MULTIPLIER    MULTIPLIER                 
     C                   SUB       1             X                          
     C                   ENDDO                                              
      * Accumulate result array.                                            
     C                   DO        48            X                          
     C     RB(X)         IFNE      *BLANKS                                  
     C                   MOVE      RB(X)         WK002A                     
     C                   MOVE      WK002A        WK020N                     
     C                   ADD       WK020N        ACCUM                      
     C                   ENDIF                                              
     C                   ENDDO                                              
      * take the summed numbers and do a little trick of RPGs right justify 
     C                   MOVE      ACCUM         NXTHI             2 0       
     C     100           SUB       NXTHI         CHDIG             1 0       
     C                   dump                                                
     C                   return    CHDIG                                     
     Pmod10            E                                                     

ABA Bank Routing Number aka ACH Routing Number CODE - see AS400 page for misc info

This particular example is dealing with the route code being 9 signed 

     D                 DS                   
     D BRoute                  1      9  0  
     D Route2                  1      2  0  
     D Route8                  1      8  0  
     D CheckDigit              9      9  0  

      * Prototypes                            
     D abacheck        PR             1n      
     D  Alpha9                        9       
     D abacheckdigit   PR             1s 0    
     D  Alpha8                        8       

      * function calls
     C                   clear                   Text9 
     C                   movel     BRoute        Text9 
     C                   if        abacheck(Text9)     
     C                   eval      text = '-Good'                                  

     C                   movel     BRoute        Text8              
     C                   if        abacheckdigit(Text8) = CheckDigit
     C                   eval      text = '-Good'                   

Also did a little checking of 1st characters
     C                   if        Route2 >= 1  and Route2 <= 12 or 
     C                             Route2 >= 21 and Route2 <= 32    
     C                   eval      text = '-Good'                   
Here is the procedures
     ‚* abacheck - procedure to validate the aba routing code                                       
     ‚*    NOTE - send all 9 digits                                                                 
     ‚* cut and paste this prototype at top of your program                                         
     ‚* Prototypes                                                                                  
      *D abacheck        PR             1n                                                          
      *D  Alpha9                        9a                                                          
     Pabacheck         B                                                                            
     D abacheck        PI             1N                                                            
     D Alpha9                         9a                                                            
     D Alpha           S              1    DIM(9)                                                   
     D Digits          c                   '0123456789'                                             
     D True            S               n   inz(*on)                                                 
     D False           S               n   inz(*off)                                                
     ‚* validate all characters are digits                                                          
     C                   if        %check(Digits:Alpha9) > 0                                        
     C                   return    false                                                            
     C                   endif                                                                      
     ‚* sum 'em up                                                                                  
     ‚* i coulda created an elaborate loop...but its only 9 digits                                  
     C                   movea     Alpha9        Alpha                                              
     C                   clear                   Sum               3 0                              
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(1):1:0) * 3                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(2):1:0) * 7                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(3):1:0) * 1                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(4):1:0) * 3                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(5):1:0) * 7                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(6):1:0) * 1                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(7):1:0) * 3                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(8):1:0) * 7                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(9):1:0) * 1                               
     C                   if        %rem(sum:10) = 0                                                 
     C                   return    True                                                             
     C                   else                                                                       
     C                   return    false                                                            
     C                   endif                                                                      
     Pabacheck         E                                                                            
     ‚* abacheckdigit - procedure to send back aba routing code check digit                         
     ‚*    NOTE - send only first 8 digits                                                          
     ‚* cut and paste this prototype at top of your program                                         
     ‚* Prototypes                                                                                  
      *D abacheckdigit   PR             1s 0                                                        
      *D Alpha8                         8a                                                          
     Pabacheckdigit    B                                                                            
     D abacheckdigit   PI             1s 0                                                          
     D Alpha8                         8a                                                            
     D Alpha           S              1    DIM(8)                                                   
     D Digits          c                   '0123456789'                                             
     ‚* validate all characters are digits                                                          
     C                   if        %check(Digits:Alpha8) > 0                                        
     C                   return    -0                                                               
     C                   endif                                                                      
     ‚* sum 'em up                                                                                  
     ‚* i coulda created an elaborate loop...but its only 9 digits                                  
     C                   movea     Alpha8        Alpha                                              
     C                   clear                   Sum               3 0                              
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(1):1:0) * 3                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(2):1:0) * 7                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(3):1:0) * 1                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(4):1:0) * 3                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(5):1:0) * 7                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(6):1:0) * 1                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(7):1:0) * 3                               
     C                   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(8):1:0) * 7                               
     C****************   eval      Sum = Sum + %dec(Alpha(9):1:0) * 1                               
     ‚* take the summed numbers and do a little trick of RPGs right justify                         
     C                   move      sum           NextHigh          2 0                              
     C     100           sub       NextHigh      CheckDigit        1 0                              
     C                   return    CheckDigit                                                       
     Pabacheckdigit    E                                                                            


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