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Exchange Stuff

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What version is what

Common name   Version number   Release Date   Notes
Microsoft Mail 3.5 3.5 1-Apr-91
Exchange Server 4.0 4 11-Jun-96
Exchange Server 5.0 5 23-May-97
Exchange Server 5.5 5.5 1-Nov-97
Exchange Server 2000 (v6.0) 6 29-Nov-00
Exchange Server 2003 (v6.5) 6.5 28-Sep-03
Exchange Server 2007 (v8 or with SP1 v8.1)  8 25-Apr-06 64bit


General Problems/fixes


  • Exchange 2003 server rules not forwarding to outside address
    Exchange system manager, global settings, internet messaging format, R-click on Default domain and go to properties, then to advanced, and make sure "allow auto forward" is turned on.



EDB to PST (aelita)





Exchange 2007 - import from PST

use "command-lets" (Exchange Management Shell)

***note - this cannot be done on server, must be done on client that has

*** Microsoft Exchange Server 2007 Management Tools (32-Bit) -

cmd to import (grant full rights, then import)

Add-MailboxPermission -Identity john -User Admin01 -AccessRights FullAccess
Import-Mailbox -Identity MAILBOXNAME -pstfolder c:\test.pst

Exmerge -


Modify the securities so it will work


need to goto highest level b/c everything is inherited

edit the registry to see the security all the way at top - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Exchange\ExAdmin -add ShowSecurityPage 1 (dword)

then remove the denies for any kind of group that the profile your using might be apart of...


if that dont work...try below

Error on Import or Export - exmerge.log message - Error opening message store (MSEMS)
user running exmerge has "deny" on sendas/receiveas

the following explains how to "look" at the security props that are inherited from somewhere


BUT...use the below to fix it...they are inherited from the AD

CN=First Organization - rightmouse properties, security, remove the denies for whoever


Exmerge cannot import using unicode(Outlook 2003 up) PST, it must be ANSI (Outlook 97-2002)



example bat (can use for daily backup)

- check the INI or rewrite it running the exmerge.exe directly

rem This batch file will backup exchange using exmerge.
rem There needs to be a folder \exmerge
rem and it needs exmerge.exe runexmerge.bat exmerge.ini and mailbox.txt
rem The file mailbox.txt is the list of the mailbox user names to run in the exmerge backup.
rem The exmerge backup needs to be set up to backup to the folder \exmergebu.
rem the INI file is set to goto "today" directory
rem this batch takes todays psts and moves them to the day directory

set dow=%date:~0,3%
set basepath=c:\zexchangebu\

if %dow% == Sat ( goto endit )
if %dow% == Sun ( goto endit )

if not exist %basepath%PST\today (
md %basepath%PST\today

del /q %basepath%PST\today\*.*

cd %basepath%PST\today
%basepath%Exmerge\ExMerge.exe -B -F %basepath%Exmerge\ExMerge.ini

if not exist %basepath%PST\%dow% (
md %basepath%PST\%dow%

del /q %basepath%PST\%dow%\*.*
move /y %basepath%PST\today\*.* %basepath%PST\%dow%\*.*



Using BlackList

setting Spamhaus ---

Fighting Spam

There are several methods used to combat spam.

In this blog I will deal with using Spamhaus's SBL, XBL and PBL lists.

SBL - Sources Blocked List - this is useful for blocking verified spam sources and operations (including spammers, spam gangs and spam support services)
XBL - eXploits Blocked List - this is useful for blocking illegal 3rd party exploits, including open proxies (HTTP, socks, AnalogX, wingate, etc), worms/viruses with built-in spam engines, and other types of trojan-horse exploits.
PBL - Policy Blocked List - this is a list of end-user IP address ranges which should not be delivering unauthenticated SMTP email to any Internet mail server except those provided for specifically by an ISP for that customer's use.

  1. In Exchange 2003, go to System Manager - Global Settings - Message Delivery.
  2. Open the Properties page for Message Delivery.
  3. Click on the Connection Filtering tab.
  4. Click on "Add"
    In the "Display Name" field, add the description of the filter.
    In the DNS Suffix of Provider, add one of the following :
    OR for a combined SBL-XBL listing.
    OR for an all-in-one combination to block all three in one go.
    ***You cannot use, for example and at the same time.
  5. Apply the changes.
  6. Then goto:

If you use a different email server, peruse its FAQ or manual to see how to incorporate the Spamhaus lists into your mailserver the correct way.

Now you'll need to test your setup, to verify that it's working.

Head over to the Crynwr page and read the information there.

Then, send a small email to the following : to test your SBL to test your PBL to test your XBL

Use a blacklist to check senders (this is for spamhaus)
goto "System Manager, Global Settings", right-mouse "Message Delivery" Properties
Connection Filtering tab, click Add button
put "spamhaus" in display name
put "" in DNS suffix provider
put "your doman is marked by" in custom message
click OK
goto "System Manager, Servers, YOURSERVERNAME, Protocols, SMTP, Default Virtual SMTP"
right mouse on "Default Virtual..." goto properties
on General tab, beside IP address, click Advance
click Edit on the "all assigned"
check the box that says "Connection Filter"


SCL Rating - (Spam Confidence Level)

IMF - (Intelligent Message Filter)

IMF Companion - UCEArchive -

***if too many files in "C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1\UceArchive" directory program will not respond...see "Clear UCEArchive" below


IMFcompanion is capable showing the SCL. But IMF has to be configured at the Exchange Server where IMF is running, to save this value in each message file. The following registry setting takes care of that. This effects messages that arrive after the settings has been applied.

add this key for SCL to put rating on the email (for use with a UCE reader)


Configure IMF to Update

Like antivirus applications, a spam detection application needs to be regularly updated. IMF is not enabled by default to update automatically, but can be quickly and easily via a registry change.


update IMF thru windows update, might have to reinstall ActiveX control if they dont show
check c:\program files\exchng\bin\mscfv2 ...should be build directories below...if not windows update


add this key for SCL to be updated


The update comes down with automatic updates, however make sure that you have updated to Microsoft Update so that you get non Windows updates.
If you are using Windows Server Update Services (WSUS), then make sure that you have enabled Exchange server as a product to download updates for, and updates for IMF will be distributed through that mechanism.

Once you have made the change, restart the SMTP Service in the Services applet.

There is more information on the update process in MS KB article 907747 (


Clear UCEArchive

if the UCE has been turned on to archive the spammed emails, that directory will grow too big and lock up server when trying to view the directory

if so, here is commands to delete all the files


***make sure you change to that directory b/c the forfiles command belows assumes the directory your in

cd C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1\UceArchive
Forfiles /D -10 /C "cmd /c del @file"





manually remove Exchange 2003 -

manually remove Exchange 2000 -





 Clear some temp junk directories

These 2 folders can be cleared at any time, and do not hurt anything to delete the files
clear BadMail folder
goto \\SERVERNAME\c$\Program">\\SERVERNAME\c$\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1\BadMail
delete *.*

clear Filter folder
goto \\SERVERNAME\c$\Program">\\SERVERNAME\c$\Program Files\Exchsrvr\Mailroot\vsi 1\Filter
delete *.*

Check for Errors, Fix Errors, and Defrag "store/database"

These 2 utilities need to have the "store/database" disconnected

detailed info:
isinteg (test and fix store/database) -
eseutil (defrag store/database) -

Dismount Store first
***you have to dismount the store first or either utility won't work
  1. open "Exchange System Manager" (on the server itself)
  2. goto "Servers, SERVERNAME, Storage Group"
  3. right-mouse on either "Mailbox store" or "Public Folder"
  4. hit "Dismount Store"
isinteg (test and fix store/database)
this is to check/fix errors with the database
  1. goto command line: "Start, Run, CMD"
  2. cd c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin directory
  3. type "isinteg -s SERVERNAME -fix -test folder"
  4. chose whichever store/database you want to check
eseutil (defrag store/database)
this is to defrag the database
***make sure you put the /t and /f in there or it will try to put the work files where you called the program from, which would be c: drive which won't have enough disk space.
      1. goto command line: "Start, Run, CMD"
      2. cd c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin directory
      3. mail folder - type "eseutil /d d:\exchsrvr\priv1.edb /t d:\exchsrvr\temppriv1.edb /f d:\exchsrvr\temppriv1.stm"
      4. public folder - type "eseutil /d d:\exchsrvr\pub1.edb /t d:\exchsrvr\temppub1.edb /f d:\exchsrvr\temppub1.stm"
      5. OR goto d:\exchsrvr dir
      6. "c:\program files\exchsrvr\bin\eseutil" d:\exchsrvr\priv1.edb  (this is to not have to put the temp names there)



Batch File to do it --- make sure you test it

@echo off
@echo *****************************************************************************
@echo This will test each store and fix, then defrag each store
@echo Dismount Store first
@echo ***you have to dismount the store first or either utility won't work
@echo   1. open "Exchange System Manager" (on the server itself)
@echo   2. goto "Servers, SERVERNAME, Storage Group"
@echo   3. right-mouse on either "Mailbox store" or "Public Folder"
@echo   4. hit "Dismount Store"
@echo detailed info:
@echo   isinteg (test and fix store/database) -
@echo   eseutil (defrag store/database) - 
@echo *****************************************************************************
@echo vars:
@echo  pgmdrive and pgmloc - where the 'isinteg.exe' and 'eseutil.exe' is located
@echo  servername - self explanatory
@echo  dbloc - where the 'edb' files are located
@echo  dbloctemp - where you want the temporary file for rebuilding the store (MUST have enough disk space)
@echo *****************************************************************************

set pgmdrive=c:
set pgmloc=c:\progra~1\exchsrvr\bin
set servername=email01
set dbloc=c:\progra~1\exchsrvr\mdbdata\
set dbloctemp=c:\


cd %pgmloc%

@echo *****************************************************************************
@echo  Select number 1 first

isinteg -s %servername% -fix -test folder

@echo *****************************************************************************
@echo  Select number 2 

isinteg -s %servername% -fix -test folder

@echo *****************************************************************************
@echo  defraggin main store
@echo ***make sure you put the /t and /f in there or it will try to put the work files where you called the program from
@echo    which that drive might not have enough disk space.

eseutil /d %dbloc%priv1.edb /t %dbloctemp%temppriv1.edb /f %dbloctemp%temppriv1.stm

@echo *****************************************************************************
@echo  defraggin public store
@echo ***make sure you put the /t and /f in there or it will try to put the work files where you called the program from
@echo    which that drive might not have enough disk space.

eseutil /d %dbloc%priv1.edb /t %dbloctemp%temppriv1.edb /f %dbloctemp%temppriv1.stm

@echo Re-mount Store 
@echo   1. open "Exchange System Manager" (on the server itself)
@echo   2. goto "Servers, SERVERNAME, Storage Group"
@echo   3. right-mouse on either "Mailbox store" or "Public Folder"
@echo   4. hit "Mount Store"



Repair DB eseutil

ESEUTIL - switches

/mh - this will display the "state" of the edb. Look in the output to determine waht the last state was

/p - this will repair the corrupt database(edb)

rem make sure there is enough room on C: drive
rem dismount the stores before running
rem this is gonna repair with the eseutil. might wanna backup the files first
rem should be ok, but just in case, back them up
C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\eseutil /p "c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb"
C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\eseutil /d "c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb"
C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\eseutil /p "c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\pub1.edb"
C:\Program Files\Exchsrvr\bin\eseutil /d "c:\program files\exchsrvr\mdbdata\pub1.edb"
rem now pick each store to test/fix the integrity
isinteg -s exchange -fix -test folder
isinteg -s exchange -fix -test folder
rem now back it up


Exchange Backup


2007 backup on Server2008
seems that Server2008 is not "Exchange Aware"
but a little workaround
copy the ntbackup.exe and dlls from a 2003 server...and should work...make sure you have the correct ones 32/64bit


2007 backup



Dump PSTs daily - see above ExMerge


backup via NTBACKUP

exchangebackup.bat ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
set dow=%date:~0,3%

C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntbackup.exe backup "@C:\zexchangebu\exchangebackup.bks" /n "emailBackup.bkf Daily" /v:no /r:no /rs:no /hc:off /m normal /j "Email Backup Daily" /l:s /f "C:\zexchangebu\emailBackup.bkf"

xcopy /y c:\zexchangebu\emailbackup.bkf x:\zexchangebu\%dow%-EmailBackup.bkf


exchangebackup.bks example ++++++++++++
JET SERVERNAME\Microsoft Information Store\First Storage Group\


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